Italian organic extra virgin Canino monocultivar olive oil


Visagi Coraggiosi

NewsItalian extra virgin olive oil is a rarity, the world must know

Italian extra virgin olive oil is a rarity, the world must know

This will be the third out of fourth year with a production of about 200 thousand tons of Italian olive oil.

Investments are certainly needed to get back on top, an irrigation plan and a better infrastructural system. However, it will take years to achieve concrete and tangible results. In the meantime, therefore, we must deal with Italian olive growing which produces little or very little.

During the recent meeting in Rome on the Sustainability Certification of Extra Virgin Olive Oil, promoted by Oleificio Zucchi and guaranteed by CSQA, the managers of the main producer organizations took stock of the campaign that is about to come, the one that is about to conclude and on the prospects.

“Extra virgin olive oil is a rarity” – affirmed the President of Unaprol, David Granieri – last year, about 50 thousand tons of oil remained available on the market, out of a total of 200 thousand. It is right for the world to know. ”

Very similar statements also from Gennaro Sicolo, of the Cno, who encourages the institutions to create the conditions for olive growing to be reborn: “I am speaking controversially with my regional president because it is not possible for water to be rations for irrigation in July. Investments are needed. Climate change forces us to irrigate the olive tree, at least with relief interventions, if we want to produce and give farmers income. ”

The theme of the enhancement of Italian extra virgin olive oil is, however, the other challenge that is proposed in front of the national olive-oil system, which must be able to enhance the characteristics for which it has become famous, starting from the native cultivars, as recalled by Ermete Realacci, President of the Environment Commission Chamber, and Leana Pignedoli, Vice President of the Agriculture Commission senate. Not only the value of the territory and the environment are linked to the same concept of Italy to be proud of.

For Giovanni Zucchi, Vice President of Oleificio Zucchi, the Sustainability Certification is “a precious opportunity for dialogue between the parties and, we hope, the first step towards a radical change, which can finally lead all the players in the supply chain to commit to spread the word about the uniqueness of olive biodiversity and the know-how of Italian production more effectively”.

Link to the original article on Natural Theater

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