Harvest campaign 2022, online purchase will be available from 4 November!
Fortunately, some rain came and the harvest was saved.
Like every year, we harvested the olives a few weeks in advance of the full ripening stage to make sure we could offer you a superior quality product.
The yield in the case of ‘unripe olives’ is certainly lower than that of a ripe, juicy olive, but in the herbaceous stage (the one that precedes full ripening) the olives are rich in chlorophyll and the oil obtained will contain greater quantities of antioxidants, at the same time, the taste will be particularly fresh and fruity, with a touch of pleasant spiciness. We find it important to remember: ours is a production process that takes place entirely in the name of organic farming.
The sore point is the price…
In light of the significant increases that have been taking place in recent months and which, despite ourselves, will be confirmed in the current year, we are forced to apply the relevant adjustments. We will try to keep an eye on this, i.e. the aforementioned adjustments will certainly be lower than those resulting from mere mathematical calculations.
Online purchasing will be available from 4 November, and shipments will be made from 15 November.