Italian organic extra virgin Canino monocultivar olive oil


Visagi Coraggiosi

NewsGood news: another triumph for our Visagi organic olive oil!!

Good news: another triumph for our Visagi organic olive oil!!

We are happy to annouce that Visagi Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil won the 2021 national Gold of Italy award with honours, with a score of five Gold Drops out of a maximum of five. This is the twelfth edition of the Italian Extra Virgin Olive Oils competition.

But the good news doesn’t end there: Visagi also wins the international Gold of the Mediterranean award! With a score of five drops of Gold out of five, he won another Praise of Excellence.

For tasting enthusiasts, sensory analysis, in the scale of intensity of perception of the positive attributes (fruity, bitter and spicy), has classified our oil as medium fruity.
The direct or retronasal olfactory sensations are persistent and typical of green olives: almond, artichoke and aromatic herbs! In the Overall Assessment of Agreeableness, we obtained a score of 91.05. Amazing results!

At Visagi’s home, we are excited about these achievements that once again certify the uniqueness and goodness of our Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil 100% italian, Monocultivar Canino. These are essential acknowledgements, which push us, once again, to continue with courage, commitment and constant search for improvement to producing superior quality Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil.


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