Italian organic extra virgin Canino monocultivar olive oil


Visagi Coraggiosi

NewsThe new Visagi Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is coming

The new Visagi Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil is coming

We are almost there…

this year, with the aim of providing you with a superior category product, we will harvest the olives slightly in advance of the full ripening stage. Our desire is to offer a product not only with more pronounced fragrances and perfumes, but also with greater beneficial properties. In the herbaceous stage (the one that precedes full ripeness) the olives are rich in chlorophyll and the oil obtained will contain greater quantities of antioxidants. Moreover, the taste will be particularly fresh and fruity with a touch of pleasant spiciness.

The production will be available around mid-November.

See you soon!
Visagi Coraggiosi

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