The present general conditions have as their object the purchase of products made remotely via telematic methods or by telephone. These general conditions of sale apply to remotely contracts (hereinafter: “Contract“) relating to the sale of oil and related products (hereinafter: “Goods” or “Products“) through means of remote communication techniques, such as the online sale through the website (hereinafter: the “Site“) owned by Visagi Coraggiosi agricultural company based in Largo Francesco Nagni 15 -01100 Viterbo, VAT number 05914070965 (hereinafter, ” Visagi Coraggiosi“).
The Contract, governed by Italian law, is concluded between Visagi Coraggiosi and the Customer/ user /consumer (hereinafter: “Customer“).
If the Client is the consumer, so a person who acts for purposes unrelated to professional activities, the Contract is also regulated by the rules provided by D.Lgs. 6 September 2005, n. 206 (hereinafter: “Consumer Code”), while the protection of confidentiality (privacy) will be subject to the discipline of the Eu regulation 169/2016 (GDPR), and, as applicable, by Legislative Decree 196/03.
These general conditions of sale (hereinafter: “General Conditions“) and in particular the information referred to in art. 52 of the Consumer Code will be shown, in a visible way, on the Site and will be valid and effective until they are modified and / or integrated by Visagi Coraggiosi.
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